Project Zero 2021


“Consultants travel all the time, because they need to be wherever the customer is.” This was the old world.


In 2018, Santiago kicked-off Project Zero, with the clear goal to achieve carbon neutrality in 2028. Surely, travel restrictions and the massive increase of virtual meetings had a great impact in this respect. The disruptive reduction of CO2 emissions from more than 10 down to 3t/employee in 2020 would have taken much longer without. Nonetheless, we again halved this number to now 1,5t/employee in 2021. Thanks to all our team members for making Project Zero successful!


What’s striking about that? At the same time, our business volume increased significantly. So, these figures really resemble a major change in our working life. And of course, the awareness for all #sustainability initiatives spills over to our employees’ private life as well. What gets measured, gets done. And what is on top of the agenda, turns into a new normal.


For sure, meetings in person will resurge to a certain degree. That’s why we keep on pushing our alternative drive ratio, further reflect on the necessity of travel activities and engage in internal and external projects to improve our carbon footprint.