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Crafting Vision and Purpose


The driving force behind a Dynamic Organization 


As illustrated in the previous article “The Dynamic Organization – Building a resilient organization in a volatile world”, current market, environmental and political developments reinforce the need for organizations to find answers on how to operate successfully within these new conditions and requirements. These developments lead to increasing pressure for organizations to evolve and become what we call a Dynamic Organization. A dynamic approach is required – one that transcends traditional strategies and embraces the evolving nature of our times. Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution for organizations, we were able to identify nine fields that are of enormous relevance. A first fundamental prerequisite on the way to a Dynamic Organization is “Vision and Purpose”. It plays a pivotal role not only by providing a clear direction, but it also ignites the spark that propels the entire organizational machinery forward1,2,3.


In this article, we will explore the importance of Vision and Purpose, the advantages, and disadvantages, and provide practical recommendations on how to develop a strong Vision and Purpose that creates real value. 


The Power of Vision and Purpose

Collaboration among individuals is the cornerstone of achieving significant global goals. Large organizations, whether they are pharmaceutical companies that work toward a cure, space companies that work towards habituating another planet, or complex democratic systems designed to serve their citizens, are all examples of collective efforts toward desirable objectives. In the words of a career diplomat: For any idea to leave a lasting impact it needs to be politically acceptable, socially desirable, emotionally relatable, judicially tenable, technologically feasible, financially viable and administratively doable. It is the first four dimensions (politically acceptable, socially desirable, emotionally relatable, judicially tenable) that are captured in a strong Vision and Purpose statement and aim to mobilize people for the defined higher good.  


A visionary organization thus possesses a roadmap – a vivid depiction of where it aims to be in the future. This Vision serves as a magnetic force, attracting like-minded individuals and aligning efforts towards a common aspiration. Moreover, a well-defined Purpose adds depth to this journey; it encapsulates the "why" behind the organization's existence. Purpose infuses passion into work, transforming it from mere tasks to meaningful contributions. 

In stable times, a compelling Vision and Purpose enhance team motivation by setting ambitious yet attainable objectives. However, their relevance amplifies exponentially in times of volatility. They become the lifebuoy that keeps the organization afloat. These lifebuoys are necessary due to today’s uncertain business landscape, where organizations face recurring various challenges that threaten their success and even their survival if they do not adapt. Vision and Purpose organize activities around a central mission, instill a sense of security in employees, and act as a compass, ensuring the organization remains on course amidst uncertainty even during the necessary adjustments mentioned. 

In short, the key-advantages of powerful Vision and Purpose are: 


1. Alignment and Focus 

A clear Vision and Purpose align the efforts of individuals and teams towards a common goal4. When everyone understands the organization's direction and Purpose, they can work together more effectively, minimizing distractions and maximizing productivity5. This alignment fosters collaboration and ensures that resources are utilized efficiently. 


2. Adaptability 

Organizations with a strong Vision and Purpose are better equipped to adapt to changing circumstances. Being able to respond quickly and effectively to new challenges is crucial. A well-defined Vision and Purpose provide a framework for decision-making, enabling organizations to make informed choices that align with their long-term goals while remaining flexible enough to adjust their strategies as needed6


3. Employee Engagement

A compelling Vision and Purpose inspire and engage employees. When individuals understand how their work contributes to a larger Purpose, they feel a sense of fulfillment and are motivated to perform at their best. A strong Vision and Purpose create a shared sense of meaning and direction, fostering a positive work culture and enhancing employee satisfaction and loyalty7


4. Resilience

In times of crisis, a strong Vision and Purpose provide stability and resilience. They serve as a guiding light, helping organizations navigate through uncertainty and make strategic choices that align with their core values. When faced with challenges, organizations with a clear Vision and Purpose can rally their employees around a common cause, fostering a sense of unity and determination to overcome obstacles8


The downsides

While Vision and Purpose offer numerous benefits, there are also potential disadvantages that organizations should be aware of. 


1. Rigidity 

A Vision and Purpose that are too rigid can hinder adaptability. Organizations must strike a balance between a clear direction and the flexibility to respond to changing market dynamics. It is essential to regularly reassess the relevance of the Vision and Purpose and adjust as needed to ensure they remain aligned with the evolving needs of the organization and its stakeholders. 


2. Lack of Believability

If leadership does not believe in the importance or in the message of the Vision and Purpose no wording or phrasing or campaigning will lead to the desired result. A compelling vision and purpose statement inherently reflects the commitment and unity of the leadership team, serving as a guiding light for both the organization and its members.  


3. Lack of Clarity 

If a Vision and Purpose are not effectively communicated, employees may struggle to understand their role in achieving the organization's goals. Clear and concise communication is essential to ensure alignment and engagement. Organizations should invest in robust communication strategies that convey the Vision and Purpose in a way that resonates with employees at all levels of the organization. 


Navigating the terrain: Vision and Purpose in action 

Creating an appealing, motivating Vision and Purpose is a tightrope act. It demands a delicate balance between ambition and attainability as well as between clarity and flexibility. A Vision that is too lofty might lead to disillusionment, while a Purpose that lacks inspiration may result in indifference. Organizations must embark on a journey of self-discovery to unveil their core values, aspirations, and societal impact. This introspection lays the foundation for crafting an authentic narrative that resonates with employees and stakeholders alike. 

But crafting a Vision and Purpose isn't a one-time endeavor – it's an ongoing dialogue. As the external landscape evolves, so must these guiding stars too. Dynamic Organizations engage in continuous conversations with their Vision and Purpose, ensuring they remain agile and relevant. This adaptability equips them to embrace change proactively, transforming challenges into opportunities. 

Maintaining the relevance of Vision and Purpose, however, is not only reflected in the dialogue and further development of both. The translation and visibility in the everyday life of employees is crucial as well. During a merger project in which both companies wanted to come together as equals, the focus came to its new Vision and Purpose. In this situation a project member said: “We still have our Vision laying around somewhere. I’ll look for it. Probably our partner has something in the closet, too. Let’s build up on that.” Unfortunately, this represents a way of dealing with this topic that has occurred frequently in the past. Vision and Purpose were communicated little or not at all and had no relevance for the employees. Very few even knew what their organizations Vision and Purpose was about. Reason enough to offer some practical recommendations based on experience, to enable organizations to leverage their Vision and Purpose effectively. So that they become the beacons of hope that they should be, transcending the realm of strategy documents, breathing life into every facet of the organization. 


1. Define a Compelling Vision

Craft a Vision statement that captures the organization's aspirations and long-term goals. It should be ambitious, inspiring, and resonate with employees and stakeholders. A compelling Vision paints a vivid picture of the future and provides a sense of direction and Purpose. 


2. Establish a Strong Purpose: 

Clearly articulate the organization's Purpose, highlighting the positive impact it aims to create in the world. A strong Purpose should be meaningful, authentic, and aligned with the organization's values. It should answer the question of why the organization exists and what it seeks to achieve beyond financial success. 


3. Involve Employees: 

Engage employees in the process of defining the Vision and Purpose. This fosters a sense of ownership and commitment, increasing their motivation to contribute towards the organization's success. Encourage open dialogue and create opportunities for employees to provide input and share their perspectives. 


4. Communicate Effectively: 

Regularly communicate the Vision and Purpose to all stakeholders. Use various channels and formats to ensure understanding and alignment throughout the organization. Communication should be consistent, transparent, and tailored to different audiences to maximize engagement and buy-in. 


5. Foster a Culture of Purpose: 

Embed the Vision and Purpose into the organization's culture. Encourage behaviors and practices that align with the organization's values and Purpose, creating a sense of shared identity and commitment. Recognize and reward individuals and teams that exemplify the organization's Purpose in their work. 


6. Continuously Evaluate and Adapt: 

Regularly assess the relevance and effectiveness of the Vision and Purpose. Adapt them as needed to stay aligned with changing market dynamics and evolving stakeholder expectations. Solicit feedback from employees and stakeholders to ensure that the Vision and Purpose remain meaningful and inspiring. 


The take aways 

In today's volatile and uncertain business environment, a strong Vision and Purpose are essential for building resilient organizations. They are the beating heart of the Dynamic Organization, infusing energy, guide decisions, and bind individuals in a shared pursuit. As the world hurtles forward, organizations that cultivate a strong sense of Vision and Purpose will not only survive but thrive. They will lead the pack, navigating uncharted territories with unwavering resolve and emerging stronger from every storm. By nurturing a culture rooted in Vision and Purpose, companies foster psychological safety – empowering individuals to voice ideas, embrace innovation, and champion change. By following the practical recommendations outlined in this article, organizations can create a strong foundation for success and drive meaningful impact in the world. 


Get in touch with Santiago to learn more about our expertise and references in this area. 


1 Slåtten, T., Mutonyi, B.R. & Lien, G. (2021). Does organizational vision really matter? An empirical examination of factors related to organizational vision integration among hospital employees. BMC Health Service Research, 21, 483.

2 Gartenberg, C., Prat & A., Serafeim, G. (2021). Corporate Purpose and Financial Performance. Organizational Science, 30(1), 1-18.

3 Soomro, B.A., Mangi, S., Shah, N. (2020). Strategic factors and significance of organizational innovation and organizational learning in organizational performance. European Journal of Innovation Management, 24(2).

4 Kopaneva, I.M. (2019). Left in the Dust Empoyee Constructions of Mission and Vision Ownership. International Journey of Business Communication, 56(1), 122-145.

5 George, G., Haas, M.R., McGahan, A.D., Schillebeeckx, S.J.D. & Tracey, T. (2021). Purpose in the For-Profit Firm: A Review and Framework for Management Research.

6 George, G., Haas, M.R., McGahan, A.D., Schillebeeckx, S.J.D. & Tracey, T. (2021). Purpose in the For-Profit Firm: A Review and Framework for Management Research.

7 Van Tuin, L., Schaufeli, W.B., Van den Broeck, A. & van Rhenen, W. (2020). A Corporate Purpose as an Antecedent to Employee Motivation and Work Engagement. Organizational Psychology, 11.

8 He. Z., Huang, H., Choi, H. & Bilgihan, A. (2023). Building organizational resilience with digital transformation. Journal of Service Management, 34(1), 147-171.

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