Weltfrauentag 2022


Ist Top-Management-Beratung ein Frauenberuf? Auf jeden Fall!


Am Internationalen Frauentag erzählen uns einige unserer fantastischen Kolleginnen, warum sie sich für eine Tätigkeit als Beraterin in einer Strategie-Boutique entschieden haben.


Bei Santiago ist die Vielfalt in vielerlei Hinsicht Teil unserer DNA.


Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem inspirierenden Team und einer Karriere voller Möglichkeiten zur persönlichen Weiterentwicklung bist, dann sprich uns gerne an.

Dog sledding, family life and project work have one thing in common: You have to perform together as a team. I love being part of a team. That's why I love my job as a consultant. We dive into new challenges and new opportunities together and we learn from each other. Everyone finds a suitable role, in line with her or his personal needs - in my case, this includes traveling with dog sleds in Sweden and working from home with small children.

– Verena, Santiago Advisor seit 2022

Having studied mechanical engineering, consulting to me was the chance to take a new perspective on the business world. As a consultant, I get to know different companies, I meet their people and become a temporary part of their culture. Last but not least, I appreciate working with such a dedicated team at Santiago.

– Cosima, Santiago Advisor seit 2017

I enjoy being a consultant, because it's a continuous journey of learning and personal growth. Working with different clients on top management level requires me to always keep pace with the latest trends and developments. Beyond that, I particularly chose to work with Santiago. Our distinct team spirit and the appreciative attitude on all levels create a unique working environment which inspires me every day.

– Sonia, Santiago Advisor seit 2016

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Nina Daum
People & Culture Manager